Membership Categories and Fees

Please see below all our individual membership categories. To find full details about each category, click on 'Become a member' and you will be able to find full information about the membership before you apply.




This membership is for individuals only

The Ordinary (O.BDI) membership category is designed for aspiring directors, new directors, and professionals who work closely with directors. It is also open to full-time students at tertiary education institutions and individuals with a general interest in corporate governance and the work of GCC BDI. This category provides an excellent opportunity for those who are not yet eligible for the Member category (M.BDI) to engage with the institute and benefit from its resources and network.


  • Does not meet the extended requirements for becoming a 'Member'
  • Aspiring directors aiming to gain insights and prepare for future board roles.
  • New directors who are in the early stages of their board careers (less than 5 years).
  • Professionals who work closely with directors, including senior executives and board advisors.
  • Full-time students enrolled at tertiary education institutions.
  • Individuals with a strong interest in corporate governance and the activities of GCC BDI.

Please note that the fees above are exclusive of VAT and any other taxes which may apply.

If you are unsure about your eligibility or which membership category is most suitable for you, please contact our membership team at


This membership is for individuals only

The Member (M.BDI) category represents a prestigious level of membership at GCC BDI, designed for individuals who have demonstrated significant experience and expertise in corporate governance and board leadership. This category is ideal for those who play pivotal roles within their organisations and have a proven track record of excellence in their field.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: To qualify for Member (M.BDI) status, an individual must meet one or more of the following criteria:

1.     Experience:

Be currently serving as a board director, C-suite executive, senior manager, board secretary, governance professional, trustee, or professor with  five or more years of experience in that role.


Candidates must have a minimum of five years of experience in any of the following roles:

  • As a director or alternate director, board secretary of a company or companies (concurrent directorships may not be added together in determining years of experience).
  • Serving as a senior executive with managerial responsibilities equivalent to those of an executive director (e.g., Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer).
  • Being a partner or sole proprietor of a professional practice (e.g., legal, accountancy, architectural, stockbroking) or an unincorporated business, or hold a senior position with professional qualifications employed by a body corporate (e.g., in-house senior legal counsel).
  • Holding an academic position at the level of (or equivalent to) professor, or be the head of a relevant faculty (e.g., business, law) at a tertiary institution.

2.     Professional Certification:

  • Have successfully achieved the level of Certified Director* or Certified Board Secretary*

* Certification must be attained from a recognised and bona fide body or institute


Please note that the fees below are exclusive of VAT and any other taxes which may apply.

If you are unsure about your eligibility or which membership category is most suitable for you, please contact our membership team at

Member - GCC BDI Certified

This membership is for individuals only


To apply you must have attained either a Certificate or Diploma in Board Directorship or Board Secretary from GCC BDI.


  • MUST have attained either a GCC BDI Certificate or Diploma in Board Directorship or Board Secretary 
  • Must have a minimum of five years of experience in any of the following roles:
  • As a director or alternate director, board secretary of a company or companies (concurrent directorships may not be added together in determining years of experience).
  • Serving as a senior executive with managerial responsibilities equivalent to those of an executive director (e.g., Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer).
  • Being a partner or sole proprietor of a professional practice (e.g., legal, accountancy, architectural, stockbroking) or an unincorporated business, or hold a senior position with professional qualifications employed by a body corporate (e.g., in-house senior legal counsel).
  • Holding an academic position at the level of (or equivalent to) professor, or be the head of a relevant faculty (e.g., business, law) at a tertiary institution.

Please note that the fees below are exclusive of VAT and any other taxes which may apply.

If you are unsure about your eligibility or which membership category is most suitable for you, please contact our membership team at

Member - GNDI

This membership is for individuals only



  • MUST be a non-resident in any of the 6 GCC countries.
  • MUST be a current member of their GNDI home country member organisation ( You will be asked to provide proof of membership with GNDI).
  • MUST have a minimum of five years of experience in any of the following roles:
  • As a director or alternate director, board secretary of a company or companies (concurrent directorships may not be added together in determining years of experience).
  • Serving as a senior executive with managerial responsibilities equivalent to those of an executive director (e.g., Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer).
  • Being a partner or sole proprietor of a professional practice (e.g., legal, accountancy, architectural, stockbroking) or an unincorporated business, or hold a senior position with professional qualifications employed by a body corporate (e.g., in-house senior legal counsel).
  • Holding an academic position at the level of (or equivalent to) professor, or be the head of a relevant faculty (e.g., business, law) at a tertiary institution.

Please note that the fees below are exclusive of VAT and any other taxes which may apply.

If you are unsure about your eligibility or which membership category is most suitable for you, please contact our membership team at


This membership is for individuals only

The Fellow (F.BDI) category is a distinguished level of membership at GCC BDI, designed to recognise individuals who have demonstrated outstanding knowledge, experience, and professionalism in corporate governance and board leadership. This category honours those who have made significant contributions to their fields and have upheld the highest standards of ethical conduct and professional excellence.


A person may become a Fellow following application for a transfer of status or by invitation of the Board.


1.     Application for Transfer of Status: An individual seeking to become a Fellow by application must meet the following:


  • Membership Tenure and References

Applicants must satisfy one of the following criteria:


  • Membership Tenure: Must have been a Member of GCC BDI for at least the last two consecutive years.


  • References: Provide references from two current Members and one Fellow, demonstrating active involvement and contributions to the institute.




Experience: Be currently serving as a board director, C-suite executive, senior manager, board secretary, governance professional, trustee, or professor with:


  • Ten Years of Experience:
  • Within a twelve-year period, in one role for a minimum of six consecutive years and a second role for a minimum of three consecutive years; or
  • Within a twelve-year period, in one role for a minimum of six consecutive years, a second role for a minimum of two consecutive years, and a third role for a minimum of one year.



  • Certification:
  • Be a Chartered Director or Chartered Secretary from GCC BDI or one of the GNDI member institutes



2.     Invitation by the Board:

A person may also be invited to become a Fellow by the Board. In such cases, the individual must generally possess, in the opinion of the Board or its delegate, the requisite knowledge, experience, good standing, and professionalism befitting a Fellow Member. When invited by the Board, the individual does not need to satisfy the criteria required for application-based transfer.

Exceptional Circumstances

If a person who previously held the status of Fellow ceases to be a member and later seeks to be readmitted as a Fellow, the relevant Membership Committee may, in its absolute discretion, readmit the person in unusual or exceptional circumstances, even if they do not meet the current requirements for Fellow status. This decision will consider the Membership Rules and Regulations.

Please note that the fees below are exclusive of VAT and any other taxes which may apply.

If you are unsure about your eligibility or which membership category is most suitable for you, please contact our membership team at

Fellow - GCC BDI Chartered Director

This membership is for individuals only



  • MUST have attained the GCC BDI Chartered Director Award
  • Experience: Be currently serving as a board director, C-suite executive, senior manager, board secretary, governance professional, trustee, or professor with:
  • Ten Years of Experience:
  • Within a twelve-year period, in one role for a minimum of six consecutive years and a second role for a minimum of three consecutive years; or
  • Within a twelve-year period, in one role for a minimum of six consecutive years, a second role for a minimum of two consecutive years, and a third role for a minimum of one year.

Please note that the below above are exclusive of VAT and any other taxes which may apply.

If you are unsure about your eligibility or which membership category is most suitable for you, please contact our membership team at